Monday 10 April 2017


Nigerian Concord can authoritatively report that the governor of Benue state, Mr. Samuel Ortom, has bought several cars in order to plant the ammunition he recovered from his failed Amnesty programme inside them and claim that they belong to some ten chieftains of the Peoples Democratic Party in the state.

Names of these ten PDP chieftains who are also associates of former governor Gabriel SuswaM have been forwarded to the DSS via a petition which was signed and sent to the security agency by the state Attorney General, Mr.. Michael Gusa, last week.

According to a Nigerian Concord’s source who was at several meetings where the plans were made inside the Benue People’s House in Makurdi, the governor has also made arrangements for the guns to be planted in the houses of these ten SuswaM’s associates so that the world will believe that they are truly giving supports to the militia.

It would be recalled that the former Governor of Benue State Rt. Hon. Gabriel Suswam has been detained by the DSS upon the active instigation of Governor Dr. Samuel Ortom on allegation of illegal possession of Arms since 25th February 2017 till date.

Sources have also confirmed that Governor Samuel Ortom has vowed to do everything humanly possible to ensure that his predecessor, Dr.. Suswam, remains behind bars until Local Government elections are concluded in Benue State in June 2017.

Investigations have also confirmed the desperation Dr. Ortom is showing in his recent attempts to keep Rt. Hon. Suswam perpetually in detention.

To confirm his desperation, Ortom has forwarded a fresh list of 10 close Associates of RT. Hon. Suswam to the Police and the DSS alleging that they are Suswam’s partners in gunrunning and support for militia groups in Benue State.

In the letter signed by the Attorney General of Benue state, Mr. Gusa, who has either out of mischief or crass ignorance in the knowledge of extant laws on the powers of security agencies especially that of the DSS, has perfected the act of misadvising and misleading Dr. Ortom on the state of the laws.

The Attorney general has alleged that those on the list have stock pilled arms in their homes and are still supporting militia activities even while Rt. Hon. Suswam is still in detention.

The letter requests the Police and especially the DSS to arrest the people mentioned in the list for peace to prevail in Benue State.

Our source confirmed that to ensure that this fresh allegations of illegal possession of Arms are confirmed as true, Ortom has arranged that weapons collected during his phantom Amnesty programme be planted in the homes and premises or properties belonging to the people on his new list so as to facilitate their arrest and detention.

In the event the above plan fails, Ortom has, as an alternative plan, already released hundreds of millions of NAira for the purchase of cars in the names of the listed persons and stock pile the cars with arms and park same over night at the premises of the people listed and return the next morning to arrest them for illegal possession of Arms.

The information confirmed that the governor is greatly disturbed by his dwindling popularity and that of the APC government in Benue state. He is also disturbed that the party is set to loose woefully in a free and fair election at the forth coming Local Government elections in June 2017, and is out to strangulate every perceived opposition before the Local Government elections.

The intention of this plan is to link the new arrests to Rt Hon. Suswam so as to give the DSS a reason to continue keeping him in detention on the pretext of fresh investigations.

According to our source in Government House Makurdi, security agents are already in Benue state working with APC members and some members of Dr. Ortom’s cabinet to ensure that weapons are planted in the premises of selected associates of Suswam and other strong members of the Benue State chapter of the PDP so as to permanently silence them.

Our source, a senior member of Dr. Ortom’s inner caucus who said he benefited immensely under Rt. Hon. Suswam’s administration has expressed disappointment at the desperation of Dr. Ortom and frowned at the activities of security agencies that have jettisoned their Constitutional and statutory roles and are now pursuing political party agenda and personal gains.

He confirmed that the DSS invited the former Accountant General of Benue State during Rt. Hon. Suswam’s administration last week, who was questioned on the disbursements of state security funds and other budgetary releases.

“We are disturbed by the special interest the DSS has shown and are getting involved in investigating how funds were received and applied during RT. Hon. Suswam’s administration. We feel the DSS should focus on issues bordering on state security rather than getting involved in the political issues of the state. Since these are still being investigated by the EFCC and over which there are cases before the Federal High Court.

“This is especially against the background that it is a known fact and it has been widely reported both in the Print media and on the net that Dr. Ortom on assumption of office appointed a known gunrunner and local militia chieftain- Mr. Terwase Akwaza a.k.a Gana, as his Special Assistance and fully armed him, in addition to monetary empowerment, yet the DSS and Security Agencies have deliberately turned a blind eye to this glaring fact and are rather in pursuit of RT. Hon. Suswam and his Associates.

“It is regrettable that professionalism is being sacrificed on the altar political bias by security Agencies. The consequences are that there will always be miscarriage of justice and the voices of opposition is being gradually and systematically silenced by the ruling APC government.

“We however believe that people in positions of authority should know that one day, they shall account for their actions either before men or God, especially that man that trust in gods, he will never get away from the true God” the source said.

Source; Nigerian Concord

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