Monday 13 March 2017

Women's Equality: Just a Mirage

Not quite long, a woman or group of women somewhere trended the feminism hashtag #wifenotcook on twitter which quickly spread across all social media like wildfire. Basically, it took the mainstay of talks on both radio and television stations, the print media inclusive.

One would naturally ask, what really are the women trying to achieve? Is the fight for equality achievable? How long would the fight continue? These and many more are the questions an ordinary man would continue to ask.

Here is a resource you would find meaningful.

By Adaji Victor
Technically, men and women can never be equated in the same bracket, at least not until the women are ready to dump all privileges.

The place of a woman in a society is not to be contested with, in fact, it is untouchable, their role in creating a balance in our world cannot be over emphasized. As such every woman must be respected and treated with all sense of mildness.

But the fight for equality, for me and for most of us on this side of the divide, we feel it is a complete mirage.

I could remember, back in primary school, we the boys did the digging and the clearing of grass while the girls did the sweeping, a softer and easier work.

I could remember playing volleyball back on campus then. One of the first things I noticed when I joined the volleyball team was that the female volleyball net was far lower than the male volleyball net.

I remember back then at a point when the fight against the Insurgents in the North Eastern Nigeria became too fierce, the female soldiers were redeployed from the war front.

I remember, back in Secondary school before our JSSCE, we were supposed to move lockers from our classes to the hall. It was the boy's call, we packed and packed while the girls only took their books to the hostel and later helped with the sweeping.

A soldier once told me that it is against their training to beat women. Wow, so you were trained to beat men. It's okay.

I remember walking into a football viewing centre with a female Manchester United fan friend of mine, when it was time to pay, I handed the guy in charge #100 for I and my friend, he returned #50 with a smile as my change, when I asked why.. He said, football watching for girls was free off charge. Wow, That's alot.

Now, you see the world, the society, and even nature has carved a place for the female folks somehow by default. I rather have them enjoy these privileges than contest for the difficult world we the men live in.

A male mechanic is a mechanic while a female mechanic is to be celebrated and referred to as a female mechanic. A female shoe maker as well is to be celebrated. What then happens to their male counterparts.

Nothing is wrong with these whole thing, but if the female folks are actually out for equality as they claim they want. I suggest they dump all these privileges and man up. Only then we can become equal in this struggle of life.

Have you ever asked your self why the female body by default is softer than that of a man? Have you ever asked your self why women get more scared than men? All these things work in a delicate balance, God has created us all to fit into life differently not as equals on all fronts.

Understanding these will leave a better society in its wake.

I celebrate women and I don't see them as being lesser than men in any way, we just have little differences both psychological and physiological.

Please stop the equality fight, strive to be the best.. no one can deny you a place.

The world is for everyone. Cheers.

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