Saturday 6 May 2017

Stay Away From Christian Gatherings: ISIS Leader Warns Egyptian Muslims

Egypt Church Bombed by ISIS On Palm Sunday

The leader of the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) in Egypt has warned Muslims to avoid Christian gatherings, hinting at fresh attacks on the Christian community, reports NewsWeek.

“We are warning you to stay away from Christian gatherings, as well as the gatherings of the army and the police, and the areas that have political government facilities,” the unnamed leader said.

On Palm Sunday, ISIS fighters in Egypt detonated two separate suicide bombs on churches in the country’s second city of Alexandria and the Nile Delta town of Tanta, killing 45. Despite the imminent danger, Pope Francis made an official visit to the country last month.

“Any other type of fanaticism does not come from God, and is not pleasing to him,” Francis said. “True faith is one that makes us more charitable, more merciful, more honest and more humane…it makes us see the other not as an enemy to be overcome but a brother or sister to be loved, served and helped.”

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