Thursday, 20 April 2017

Video: Watch How a Beautiful Lady Was Brutally Murdered For Ritual

This video was sent to us by an anonymous reader. And we encourage everyone to watch and share with family and friends, forward it. Share it as widely as possible!

There are some fake agencies from China, Korea, Japan and other parts of Asia currently opened in Nigeria, Ghana and other African countries, promising jobs (domestic ones, such as house-keeping, baby-minding, etc). However, on arrival, they turn you to any thing less than human.

Murder our people especially girls for their kidney, Heart and Liver. Mostly our own African brothers and Sisters involving in human tracking to Dubai, Cairo especially in Libya, Egypt and Lebanon.

They will prepare your travelling documents and everything; when you reach there, that will be your hell and end of your life, the accompanying video was secretly recorded by a passer-by which was unaware to these culprits and the video says it all.

The life you save by circulating it might be your very relatives.

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