Saturday 18 March 2017

Voters Registration Commences Soon, Register to Join the Team

Ahead of the forth coming 2019 general elections, voters registration will commence soonest to enable active participation of every eligible Nigerian to vote and make his or her choice in who governs. 

Recall that the Independent National Electoral commission had already published the modalities and date ahead of the general elections.

In the light of this development, we at Benue Reporters are going to ensure that you fall among the team that will register eligible Nigerians to vote come 2019.

To ensure that you join the team, register through the online form below so we can process and make sure that you are duly informed with the information to join the team.

Since it's the general elections, many hands will will be needed. So register and tell your friends to do so. Many people are much needed for this assignment.

If you have any question, please, use the comment section below, one of our admins will respond to you as soon as possible. Don't forget to share to your friends and family.

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